Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chapter One: The great deception

Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. Jeremiah 17.5

So many people are afraid to stand for good and do what is right. They fear that their efforts will bring retribution upon them. It is the presence of the devil, not the efforts of good that causes suffering. Evil is not a reason to avoid doing good, evil is the very reason to do good. Evil will happen, good must be done to counteract it.

That, as sin had power in death, so grace might have power through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5.21

One way to deter others from doing good is to convince someone that they are responsible for, or the reason behind the behaviors of others. It is not possible for you to control someone else's behavior because each person must make all choices and decisions individually to do or not do something. Once you see yourself as being involved in the causation of evil you become an agent of the devil. We cannot take responsiblity for something that is God's. The devil does evil anyway, it is of course more convenient for him to convince you that you are the reason behind any evil that happens. It is a very easy way to control people. One should do good anyway and let God take care of the consequences. God has promised to take care of those who do His will, and that is enough.

The just actually do have to live by faith. The devil is not the only power in the world. In fact he is only a power because we have chosen to let him be. We constantly choose to give him power over our hearts and bodies and minds and our actions. God gives us the power of choice but not the power to change what He has protected. It seems that we have the power to affect and cause things, but it is a delusion, a trick. A relatively simple trick if you look carefully at all factors. The devil rules by fear and confusion. In any case this is the time for the devil to rule, so we should expect that most people will be afraid and confused.

We have much less power than we think we do, especially in relation to directing the way the world runs. God seems to give us power to affect the world around us, but it is really only a test to see whether our choice will be for good or for evil. The paths of all people on the earth have been set in stone since the beginning of time, not because we have no choice, but because with God there is no time. By reducing the number of choices that are made for good the devil has been able to reduce the good that is in the world. His power is in mental terrorism and fear and the emotional submission that comes from being overwrought.

In every situation there seems to be an infinite number of options, but there really is only one option that will be realized. The presentation and subsequent removal of superfluous options is not true power but busy-work and an attempt by a magician to dazzle you. It is really only smoke and mirrors. So if you can by trickery convince someone to do something wrong, that is the full extent of your power-- to change the other person's mind. That person still has to choose whether or not tosubmit. The devil will use all means at his disposal to convince someone to do wrong. This is the great controversy between good and evil. As Christians we need to forget about our lives here on this earth and remember this war that is going on for our souls. So if everyone has acquiesced and given their little sphere of power to the devil, it does make life harder for a Christian who wants to stand for God. But not impossible. If everyone is afraid and has agreed to give the devil their power, then he does have more power than he once did. It is a structure that can partially be dismantled by freeing each individual from the bondage of fear. Even if all people are subservient to the devil, they are not be the only power in the world. God still influences all essential situations towards the right outcome. Generally, Satan covers for these gaps in his control and power so that it all seems to be part of his plan and system--that way you cannot see that everything comes from the providence of God. It is mostly a sham, but it is powerful once it takes effect. But it is not all powerful. And so you learn to see the world through sin-colored glasses.

Part of the problem is the difference in the decision making process. For example, in deciding where one should go next, the christian would narrow down his list to a list of places that God definitely does or does not want them to go, and then they would seek God to find out where He wants them to go. This limits the actual choice to very few options. With the wicked they seem to have infinite options, because they are not limited by the principles of God, so they narrow down their selection by other much more useless factors and come up with a short list of 10 or so places which they flash before your eyes successively (like a dancing bird trying to attract a mate) and then the unholy person makes a selection based on some system of reasoning and the dazzle of the magician.

The truth is that the real answer is only ONE. There is only one option that will be selected. The magicians reinforce their power in the eyes of others by seeming to have the power to take away the other 9 superfluous options. And the people are dazzled because they do not realize that what was taken away was WHAT WAS NEVER REALLY THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. And this is the power of the beast. A magician's trick. And so everyone bows before the beast, and gladly give him more of their power.

It is true that a Christian or a man who resists the beast becomes the focus of the devil's attention. So when doing good you will notice that you are under more attacks. That is why God says to rejoice when you are attacked, because it is actually a good sign. So how are we to be strong enough to continue to do good in the face of adversity? I believe it helps to look at reality instead of fears or suggestions of fears. Also let go of what the devil holds. This is a Christian philosophy that nobody follows. No one wants to lose out on life.

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer (take courage: be confident, certain, undaunted)! For I have overcome the world. (I HAVE DEPRIVED IT OF POWER to harm you and have conquered it for you). John 16.33.

These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. John 17. 1,2

This is why we ask for our daily bread. We must be content with what heaven gives us. This is a war for our souls, and we should not live here as civilians. We need to feed on the bread of life, the words of Jesus instead of the miasma of the devil. The truths in the bible will give us confidence and keep us from emotional tyranny.

How Firm a Foundation

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word
What more can He say than to you He hath said
To you who for refuge to Jesus hath fled
The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
I will not, I will not desert to His foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeaveor to shake
I will never, no never, no never forsake.

Chapter Two: For the uninitiated

Do not bring a detestable thing into your house, or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction. Utterly abhor and detest it, for it is set apart for destruction.

Deuteronomy 7.26

If it is not a physical kingdom it is a spiritual kingdom, and the only spiritual kingdom for the Christian is the kingdom of God. Any other must originate from the devil as there are only two spiritual powers in the world. Even God, ruler of the universe, wrote His requirements in His word. He did not expect us to guess what was required of us. An unholy spiritual kingdom relies on hints, superstitions, conjecture and second-guessing. Its aim is to raise anxiety and bind the heart in a system of fear. Look at the characteristics that are found in the kingdom of God and taught by Jesus and compare them to this spiritual bondage.

This system reminds me of the pagan systems of worship that existed in ancient cultures. The gods have changed -- for this age they are life, money and status, but the worship is the same. Because the devil's time is short he has taken what was a normal evil and passive idolatry and raised it to a new level of spiritual enslavement.

Economic Restrictions

1. Because of a system of coercion many have been enslaved. This has been done by restricting their access to resources and making them afraid that they would not survive.

Re 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Economic sanctions are enforced to make it difficult for people to find jobs or interact in society in a normal way. People are terrorized by all kinds of fears and because they depend on man, they naturally believe that it is only man that sustains them. They do not even allow God the opportunity to protect and defend them. There are many times that the other options that He has provided are not considered.

De 8:3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.

The Christian should always be ready to die, so that they may be free to serve God. We need to take this concept seriously so that we will not find ourselves doing abominable things because of the fear of losing our lives. It is better to be prepared to die than to submit yourself to a spiritual authority that requires more and more submission from you until you have sold your soul for a morsel of bread. What kind of life are you living when you are addicted to abominations that even heathens would shun?

Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud. Proverbs 16.10

Addictive Behaviors

2. Once you begin to submit yourself to the rules you find out that you have to also govern every action that you do--not from conscience or from truth but from the list of rules that are instilled in you.

The system is also based on fear of losing social standing and the need to have status symbols surround you at all times in order to be able to have the approval of the other cult members.

There are games played in order to rank you, and to tie you up in anxiety and gambling in every part of life. If the outsider does some action which raises his standing too high in the system, the cult will make sure that another person misrepresents the action by having a person pretend to do the same thing, but in order to sway the opinions of all other cult members they will color the action in some way to the detriment of the outsider.

For example if a new initiate goes to an expensive supermarket, in order to erase the effect of the anxiety that this action has on other members the cult will have one of their members go to this exclusive supermarket and buy something crass to show that this new initiate has no real knowledge of shopping at exclusive markets, or someone will go in who is buying something for someone with higher standing and not for themselves, so that all the surrounding cult members will be able to assuage their wounded feelings that someone outside of their system is able to do something nice for themselves.

The outsider who becomes aware of these actions by the cult member has a reaction of anxiety. First because it is a very strange way to think -- it is of course evidence of the cultish, robotic way of thinking that has taken over their minds --but also because at this point the outsider believes that everyone belongs to this system except for them, so they are afraid that it will sway the opinions of all the people around them to their detriment.

At this point I will say that we need to forget people as being our support. It is God who supports us and we should not fear these behaviors as having a negative effect on us.

This causes them to react in some way that will sway the crowd's opinion back in their favor so that they begin to play-act their lives, living life in large demonstrations so that others will see their behaviors and approve of them. Their entire lives becomes a robotic lie and a form of worship and subservience to other people. With positive reinforcement from others this becomes addictive, not only because of the fear of looking bad, but because you begin to need the approval of others in order to live.

So eventually every member of the cult becomes brainwashed into reacting to life only as it serves to reinforce their standing in the cult. They cannot remember God or do what pleases Him because in every action that they do they are doing their best to serve the cult and through the cult serve Satan.

Demonic Control

The violence of the wicked will drag them away, for they refuse to do what is right. Proverbs 21.7

3. This system is also based on a hierarchy of demonic control and some kind of cooperation with evil spirits.

Most likely some people are born psychic with the ability to read and hear other peoples thoughts. There have been other books that mention the fact that those who are possessed have the abilities to read the thoughts of others. This would be very simple to imagine since the evil spirits can communicate with each other, and once they have control of your mind, they can communicate with and through you as well. It is possible that part of the reason for this system is to control those who have not been born with this ability. I do not believe that they can hear the thoughts of normal people, but only of those who have been degraded in some demonic way.

The devil has many ways to trap your mind under his control. He can have you become involved in some sin that you take lightly. After you become attached to this sin, the devil has can blind you to this attachment and then work on controlling your mind. The more their minds are controlled, the stronger the demonic control becomes until people completely lose their ability to decide what they want and to restrain themselves from action. Their passions take control of them.

I think that even under such a circumstance there is still hope since Jesus was able to free the demoniacs who had lost complete control over themselves.

Chapter Three: System Games and Why They are Anti-Christian

1. Interacting with a person in the system requires the appropriate pre-selected response. If a member of the system does not receive that response they are entitled by the rules of the system to react negatively in some way. They are entitled to break, mess up, or destroy something that would normally be done. They look for loopholes in the actions of normal behavior that will allow them to torment you in some way.

It is obvious that destructive behavior does not reflect the Spirit of Christ.

2. Every interaction between cult members requires a series of behaviors to acknowledge the relative dominance. This is symbolized by hand signals to reveal the standing of the person after the interaction. If the wrong person wins the interaction they have to display a submissive hand signal, (they can also display the submissive hand signal if they want to bolster the other person's ego for some reason). Every person knows their standing because the whole system is ruled by demonic powers and these demonic powers are able to recognize each person and know each person's history.

The focus in most conversations is not on the what is being said, but on the competition to outdo one another. There is no way that the Spirit of Christ can remain because the spirit that is needed to maintain focus on the game is combative and destructive. This means that every moment of their lives the person is blocking the Holy Spirit from being with them, and then they wonder why their prayers and worship are so void of the presence of God.

3. There is also a limited list of phrases that indicate the prevailing mood of either the cult in general or the individual cult member (there is usually little difference between the two since the cult member becomes only an appendage of the cult instead of an independent human being).

4. There are foods that must be avoided to keep your standing and also to avoid having recriminatory actions taken against you. Everything you own is inventoried so that if someone begins to feel anxious about their relative standing they can try to destroy something that you own.

The Christian knows that food is a blessing from God. It is given to nourish and strengthen. We must eat what we will according to the rules that we believe will glorify God. It is completely irrelevant if your normal eating coincides with the food requirements of any particular group. Being a vegetarian does not make you Adventist nor does avoiding beef make you Hindu. It is best to live your life in order to please God and not worry about what others create out of your actions.

5. People begin to govern their lives by external signals and to establish their actions demonic hints and suggestions. For example jewelry is used to indicate the prevailing opinions of the cult. Gold, silver and various other stones are flashed depending on the group opinion that is being indicated. A necklace, an earring, a bracelet, all indicate some opinion. The color of clothing is also indicative. A hat indicates a mode of thinking, shoes indicate some kind of opportunity or something. Anyway, the point of it is that the system categorizes every facet of life in order to replace the natural tendencies of the person to think independently. They are constantly being barraged by millions of signs indicating to them how they should change their behavior. In this way demons control the minutiae of these people's lives.

The focus is on the opinions and desires of the outside world, and the addiction to the approval of the world turns the heart away from serving God. It is pure idolatry. It is bowing down before the golden statue in order to save one's life.

It is disheartening for those who do not belong to the cult because the every person around them is so focused on something so dehumanising and mechanical. It is like living with the soulless because everything is done from the heart's passions, not reason or compassion, or, more importantly, the Spirit of Christ.

Chapter Four: Defenses against this spirit

We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.
2 Chronicles 20.12

The first thing is that we must obey God in everything because He has established His laws as a protection against the systems of the devil. We have to avoid anything that seems to give the devil a foot hold. If something is attractive to you that you know you shouldn't do, turn away from it, because the devil is actually just using it to be able to control your emotions and your mind. These are basic things that Christians are supposed to be doing on a regular basis. It is just that no one has explained how extremely important these things are.

Next we have to pray about the people that we let into our lives. Under this system, everything that is evil is hidden, so that it is very difficult to tell from external indicators that someone is possessed. We are surrounded by people who are afflicted by all kinds of spirits on a daily basis. Demons have learned to cover the effects that would normally warn a Christian away from them. It is not that Christians are supposed to run away from people who are troubled with spirits or possessed, but you must avoid being friends with, fellowshipping with and 'hanging out' with those outside of the church and unbelievers. They will be a snare to you. They will draw your heart towards them and take your heart away from God. Do not stubbornly try to stay with people even for their soul's sake, ask God if that is what He wants you to do. You have no power to save souls, it is only by God's will that these things can be done. If God has saved you, He can save others, so trust in Him and do not step outside of your jurisdiction.

We also have to make sure that we give up the arrogance of thinking that we can make decisions for ourselves. The hidden systems and strongholds of the devil require that we ask God for help with everything. We need to ask God to guide us on a daily basis so that He can uplift us to a higher level where He can continually bless us. For example, if there are secret projects or desires that are in your heart that you avoid asking God for help with, give up this secrecy and allow God to direct you in these things or else the devil will be able to snare you with this. He will grow a desire in your heart that will lead you to choose something innocuous that you would have avoided if you had allowed God to be in that part of your heart. This thing that seems innocent will first cause small difficulties in your life, perhaps make you miss a few things here and there. Then this will grow until you get to the point where you will make decisions that will lead you to where you can be accessed directly by the devil.

We have to take seriously the words of Christ. These words help to defend specifically against the devil's power through passion. Self denial, humility, turning the other cheek--all of these are specifically aimed at preventing the devil from being able to control you. The more the self dies, the more you will be a free person. Living in Christ is the only way to live until God rescues us from this dead planet.

Chapter Five: Come out of Babylon

Now may the Lord's strength be displayed, just as you have declared. Numbers 14.17 NIV

We must live life as God has told us to. We who do not know the thoughts and minds of others should not at all second guess. If we have not been told or asked, we should not obey. Live by the facts that you know. We must not listen to hints, suggestions or any of the other ways that demons use to get people to do what they want. If this were a legitimate authority it would be established in legitimate ways. The reason why it is secret and unspoken is that in order for it to have power over you, you have to submit to it and give it power over you. It has no reality unless you make it your reality. It has no place unless you believe in it and give it first place in your heart. Hints and suggestions should be a warning sign to you that someone is trying to brainwash you and control your mind. They are trying to get you to override your reason. They are trying to enslave you based on your fears. The devil can never control you. He can control others around you but he can never control you. You have to let go of what others can control. And remember that all things that happen to you come from God and must be accepted and submitted to.

Now what about those who have established their lives in this system and given control of everything over to the devil?

Re 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

(Please see the texts below for further bible study.)

Jesus and Ellen G. White (Last Day Events) warned us that in the last days we would have to prepare for a time when we could not buy or sell. So prepare. It is so important to begin to SEPARATE from the world's system, not adjust to it. That is the mistake.

Ac 2:40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.

This is the mindset that we have to establish within ourselves and believe with all of our hearts. We do not take separation from the world seriously enough. When the world falls into a pit of hell most of us will fall with it. The road we need to follow is straight and narrow. Turn away from the broad road, and begin to make severe distinctions between yourself and the world.

The first sign of having to submit to the world to live should have made the church begin to separate so that its members would have a place to go if they wanted to serve God. I am very disappointed in my church leaders for not preparing a refuge for God's people. Even if people wanted to separate they have no place to go. It is true that eventually even those refuges would fall, but by then God would give us enough faith to deal with it.

When in your heart you are gripped by anxiety because of something the world wants to do to you, submit in your heart to the suffering, and God's peace will carry you through. Do not bother to resist the thing that you are afraid of in your own strength. If someone indicates to you that you are going to suffer, submit to it in your heart with tears and humility.

Ge 19:12 And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place: For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it.

Nu 16:26 And he spake unto the congregation, saying, Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed in all their sins. So they gat up from the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, on every side: and Dathan and Abiram came out, and stood in the door of their tents, and their wives, and their sons, and their little children.

Jer 51:6 Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the LORD’S vengeance; he will render unto her a recompense.

Jer 51:45 My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the LORD.

Jer 51:50 Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind.

Isa 52:11 Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the LORD.

7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Mt 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Mt 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
Ps 50:18 When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers.
Mt 23:30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
1Ti 5:22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.
2Jo 1:11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

Chapter Six: Life in a fallen world

The first problem is the addiction to approval and to affection for others. This is based on the fact that people love to share love with others and to feel a sense of community. There are three types of love that have been described in the Bible that are useful as an illustration. Phileo, or friendly love for fellow man is not a bad thing on its own. If it makes us a slave to others then we need to give it up and submit it to God until we can take it up again through His power. Agape is the love the Holy Spirit gives us. This love is also a belief and an understanding, it is a new desire to do good to our fellow man. Dwell on this love, let this love grow and motivate your actions. Let the compassion of Christ fill you.

Ps 119:32 I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart.

Pray and submit yourself to Christ and He will also develop humility and other graces in You. This is what you need to share with other people. The feelings of affection and camaraderie, if they are a hindrance to you, should die.

As far as your social standing is concerned as a Christian recognize and accept that you are assigned the lowest on earth. This is something that we are not used to, but even if God has graced you with the good things in life, internally prepare yourself to give all of these things up and train yourself to accept the least so that if God needs to take these things away from you, you will not contradict Him, so that if He tells you to sell all you have, you will be responsive to Him. This does not mean that you should take suggestions from the devil or accept a warped vision of reality, let God lead you to where you should be. God will decide where you should be placed in life.

Undoing the brainwashing

As I have stated before, it is a game that blocks out the spirit. Once you have fallen into the addictive pit of the system it is necessary to work to find your way out of the addiction. Like any other addiction you will have to pray to God to find ways to free yourself. God has power over addictive spirits. He will help you when you cannot help yourself. But in His word He has given you enough to untangle this web of deception. The principles in the Bible are not just to restrict you, but they are protections, and weapons against the dark powers in the world.

The demons generally can only strengthen your own passions. They are still yours to resist. If you fall into error pray for forgiveness as God requires. Do not believe any games that threaten you because of your actions. You are never responsible for the actions of others.Under God their decisions are their own. Never allow anyone to tell you that because of some unrelated action that you took they are now going to harm you or hinder you in some way.

When interacting with people around you if they feel they must take the higher place in the game, let them. Deny or restrain yourself. It is not something for a Christian to run after. It is not worth destroying your soul for these little trinkets.

If someone around you is doing something that will make others have a bad opinion of you forget it. They probably would never have judged you properly to begin with. You are judged honestly in the eyes of God and in your own mind. Remember that it is the devil's laughter that is behind their games and when you react you are only reacting to please him. Why should any of us live to please the devil?

We are called to be free in Christ.

Again I emphasize, take the words of Christ seriously. It is not worth losing your soul for something that will crumble to dust as soon as you take your heart out of it. It is not worth holding onto anything that brings the devil along with it. It is better to cut off associations and interactions that only lead your soul downward.

Chapter Seven: What God expects from His people

For the Lord your God goes with you, fighting for you to give you salvation from those who are against you. Deuteronomy 20.4 (BE 1964)

Trust in God

One thing that is easy to forget when you are under persecution is that negative things often happen as a result of chance. Remember that negative and good things happen to all, and it is not necessary to obey the system to get good things to happen to you.

The system does have some power since it controls men, and men affect the processes in life. However God has mercifully allowed the earth to be run in such a way that He is still able to let good come through by His grace.

Even though the devil has the dominion of mankind, he does not have the dominion of the world. God gave Adam a steward's role, the role of a caretaker, so God still owns everything. He does not override all evil because He honors our free will and wants us to give it back to Him willingly. But those who in their free will choose to be in His care will have the angels guide them through the devils traps, and sustain them when they must pass through this darkness. He can deliver them miraculously, or through the system itself.

In short, it is better to be in the hands of God than in the hands of the devil.

The Christian's Cross

We must remember that Christians are supposed to be persecuted. Do not to let that discourage you into obedience to the system. Even if you were outside of the system you should expect to be persecuted for your faith as much as the devil possibly can. It is not even half as bad as it was in the early years of Christianity when Christians were being thrown to lions, or as in the days of those who were burned at the stake. In those days Christians had their possessions taken, their houses burned to the ground, their bodies and minds tortured, and their lives destroyed. Don't you think that must have been difficult to bear? Do not let these smaller sufferings discourage you but learn to recognize that God supports you even through them and as Christ said, be exceeding glad because it means you are on God's side. Let go of the world as it is taken away from you.

Let go of what He does not give you. Live with the good that He provides.