Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chapter Three: System Games and Why They are Anti-Christian

1. Interacting with a person in the system requires the appropriate pre-selected response. If a member of the system does not receive that response they are entitled by the rules of the system to react negatively in some way. They are entitled to break, mess up, or destroy something that would normally be done. They look for loopholes in the actions of normal behavior that will allow them to torment you in some way.

It is obvious that destructive behavior does not reflect the Spirit of Christ.

2. Every interaction between cult members requires a series of behaviors to acknowledge the relative dominance. This is symbolized by hand signals to reveal the standing of the person after the interaction. If the wrong person wins the interaction they have to display a submissive hand signal, (they can also display the submissive hand signal if they want to bolster the other person's ego for some reason). Every person knows their standing because the whole system is ruled by demonic powers and these demonic powers are able to recognize each person and know each person's history.

The focus in most conversations is not on the what is being said, but on the competition to outdo one another. There is no way that the Spirit of Christ can remain because the spirit that is needed to maintain focus on the game is combative and destructive. This means that every moment of their lives the person is blocking the Holy Spirit from being with them, and then they wonder why their prayers and worship are so void of the presence of God.

3. There is also a limited list of phrases that indicate the prevailing mood of either the cult in general or the individual cult member (there is usually little difference between the two since the cult member becomes only an appendage of the cult instead of an independent human being).

4. There are foods that must be avoided to keep your standing and also to avoid having recriminatory actions taken against you. Everything you own is inventoried so that if someone begins to feel anxious about their relative standing they can try to destroy something that you own.

The Christian knows that food is a blessing from God. It is given to nourish and strengthen. We must eat what we will according to the rules that we believe will glorify God. It is completely irrelevant if your normal eating coincides with the food requirements of any particular group. Being a vegetarian does not make you Adventist nor does avoiding beef make you Hindu. It is best to live your life in order to please God and not worry about what others create out of your actions.

5. People begin to govern their lives by external signals and to establish their actions demonic hints and suggestions. For example jewelry is used to indicate the prevailing opinions of the cult. Gold, silver and various other stones are flashed depending on the group opinion that is being indicated. A necklace, an earring, a bracelet, all indicate some opinion. The color of clothing is also indicative. A hat indicates a mode of thinking, shoes indicate some kind of opportunity or something. Anyway, the point of it is that the system categorizes every facet of life in order to replace the natural tendencies of the person to think independently. They are constantly being barraged by millions of signs indicating to them how they should change their behavior. In this way demons control the minutiae of these people's lives.

The focus is on the opinions and desires of the outside world, and the addiction to the approval of the world turns the heart away from serving God. It is pure idolatry. It is bowing down before the golden statue in order to save one's life.

It is disheartening for those who do not belong to the cult because the every person around them is so focused on something so dehumanising and mechanical. It is like living with the soulless because everything is done from the heart's passions, not reason or compassion, or, more importantly, the Spirit of Christ.

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