Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chapter Seven: What God expects from His people

For the Lord your God goes with you, fighting for you to give you salvation from those who are against you. Deuteronomy 20.4 (BE 1964)

Trust in God

One thing that is easy to forget when you are under persecution is that negative things often happen as a result of chance. Remember that negative and good things happen to all, and it is not necessary to obey the system to get good things to happen to you.

The system does have some power since it controls men, and men affect the processes in life. However God has mercifully allowed the earth to be run in such a way that He is still able to let good come through by His grace.

Even though the devil has the dominion of mankind, he does not have the dominion of the world. God gave Adam a steward's role, the role of a caretaker, so God still owns everything. He does not override all evil because He honors our free will and wants us to give it back to Him willingly. But those who in their free will choose to be in His care will have the angels guide them through the devils traps, and sustain them when they must pass through this darkness. He can deliver them miraculously, or through the system itself.

In short, it is better to be in the hands of God than in the hands of the devil.

The Christian's Cross

We must remember that Christians are supposed to be persecuted. Do not to let that discourage you into obedience to the system. Even if you were outside of the system you should expect to be persecuted for your faith as much as the devil possibly can. It is not even half as bad as it was in the early years of Christianity when Christians were being thrown to lions, or as in the days of those who were burned at the stake. In those days Christians had their possessions taken, their houses burned to the ground, their bodies and minds tortured, and their lives destroyed. Don't you think that must have been difficult to bear? Do not let these smaller sufferings discourage you but learn to recognize that God supports you even through them and as Christ said, be exceeding glad because it means you are on God's side. Let go of the world as it is taken away from you.

Let go of what He does not give you. Live with the good that He provides.

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