Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chapter Four: Defenses against this spirit

We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.
2 Chronicles 20.12

The first thing is that we must obey God in everything because He has established His laws as a protection against the systems of the devil. We have to avoid anything that seems to give the devil a foot hold. If something is attractive to you that you know you shouldn't do, turn away from it, because the devil is actually just using it to be able to control your emotions and your mind. These are basic things that Christians are supposed to be doing on a regular basis. It is just that no one has explained how extremely important these things are.

Next we have to pray about the people that we let into our lives. Under this system, everything that is evil is hidden, so that it is very difficult to tell from external indicators that someone is possessed. We are surrounded by people who are afflicted by all kinds of spirits on a daily basis. Demons have learned to cover the effects that would normally warn a Christian away from them. It is not that Christians are supposed to run away from people who are troubled with spirits or possessed, but you must avoid being friends with, fellowshipping with and 'hanging out' with those outside of the church and unbelievers. They will be a snare to you. They will draw your heart towards them and take your heart away from God. Do not stubbornly try to stay with people even for their soul's sake, ask God if that is what He wants you to do. You have no power to save souls, it is only by God's will that these things can be done. If God has saved you, He can save others, so trust in Him and do not step outside of your jurisdiction.

We also have to make sure that we give up the arrogance of thinking that we can make decisions for ourselves. The hidden systems and strongholds of the devil require that we ask God for help with everything. We need to ask God to guide us on a daily basis so that He can uplift us to a higher level where He can continually bless us. For example, if there are secret projects or desires that are in your heart that you avoid asking God for help with, give up this secrecy and allow God to direct you in these things or else the devil will be able to snare you with this. He will grow a desire in your heart that will lead you to choose something innocuous that you would have avoided if you had allowed God to be in that part of your heart. This thing that seems innocent will first cause small difficulties in your life, perhaps make you miss a few things here and there. Then this will grow until you get to the point where you will make decisions that will lead you to where you can be accessed directly by the devil.

We have to take seriously the words of Christ. These words help to defend specifically against the devil's power through passion. Self denial, humility, turning the other cheek--all of these are specifically aimed at preventing the devil from being able to control you. The more the self dies, the more you will be a free person. Living in Christ is the only way to live until God rescues us from this dead planet.

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