Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chapter One: The great deception

Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. Jeremiah 17.5

So many people are afraid to stand for good and do what is right. They fear that their efforts will bring retribution upon them. It is the presence of the devil, not the efforts of good that causes suffering. Evil is not a reason to avoid doing good, evil is the very reason to do good. Evil will happen, good must be done to counteract it.

That, as sin had power in death, so grace might have power through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5.21

One way to deter others from doing good is to convince someone that they are responsible for, or the reason behind the behaviors of others. It is not possible for you to control someone else's behavior because each person must make all choices and decisions individually to do or not do something. Once you see yourself as being involved in the causation of evil you become an agent of the devil. We cannot take responsiblity for something that is God's. The devil does evil anyway, it is of course more convenient for him to convince you that you are the reason behind any evil that happens. It is a very easy way to control people. One should do good anyway and let God take care of the consequences. God has promised to take care of those who do His will, and that is enough.

The just actually do have to live by faith. The devil is not the only power in the world. In fact he is only a power because we have chosen to let him be. We constantly choose to give him power over our hearts and bodies and minds and our actions. God gives us the power of choice but not the power to change what He has protected. It seems that we have the power to affect and cause things, but it is a delusion, a trick. A relatively simple trick if you look carefully at all factors. The devil rules by fear and confusion. In any case this is the time for the devil to rule, so we should expect that most people will be afraid and confused.

We have much less power than we think we do, especially in relation to directing the way the world runs. God seems to give us power to affect the world around us, but it is really only a test to see whether our choice will be for good or for evil. The paths of all people on the earth have been set in stone since the beginning of time, not because we have no choice, but because with God there is no time. By reducing the number of choices that are made for good the devil has been able to reduce the good that is in the world. His power is in mental terrorism and fear and the emotional submission that comes from being overwrought.

In every situation there seems to be an infinite number of options, but there really is only one option that will be realized. The presentation and subsequent removal of superfluous options is not true power but busy-work and an attempt by a magician to dazzle you. It is really only smoke and mirrors. So if you can by trickery convince someone to do something wrong, that is the full extent of your power-- to change the other person's mind. That person still has to choose whether or not tosubmit. The devil will use all means at his disposal to convince someone to do wrong. This is the great controversy between good and evil. As Christians we need to forget about our lives here on this earth and remember this war that is going on for our souls. So if everyone has acquiesced and given their little sphere of power to the devil, it does make life harder for a Christian who wants to stand for God. But not impossible. If everyone is afraid and has agreed to give the devil their power, then he does have more power than he once did. It is a structure that can partially be dismantled by freeing each individual from the bondage of fear. Even if all people are subservient to the devil, they are not be the only power in the world. God still influences all essential situations towards the right outcome. Generally, Satan covers for these gaps in his control and power so that it all seems to be part of his plan and system--that way you cannot see that everything comes from the providence of God. It is mostly a sham, but it is powerful once it takes effect. But it is not all powerful. And so you learn to see the world through sin-colored glasses.

Part of the problem is the difference in the decision making process. For example, in deciding where one should go next, the christian would narrow down his list to a list of places that God definitely does or does not want them to go, and then they would seek God to find out where He wants them to go. This limits the actual choice to very few options. With the wicked they seem to have infinite options, because they are not limited by the principles of God, so they narrow down their selection by other much more useless factors and come up with a short list of 10 or so places which they flash before your eyes successively (like a dancing bird trying to attract a mate) and then the unholy person makes a selection based on some system of reasoning and the dazzle of the magician.

The truth is that the real answer is only ONE. There is only one option that will be selected. The magicians reinforce their power in the eyes of others by seeming to have the power to take away the other 9 superfluous options. And the people are dazzled because they do not realize that what was taken away was WHAT WAS NEVER REALLY THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. And this is the power of the beast. A magician's trick. And so everyone bows before the beast, and gladly give him more of their power.

It is true that a Christian or a man who resists the beast becomes the focus of the devil's attention. So when doing good you will notice that you are under more attacks. That is why God says to rejoice when you are attacked, because it is actually a good sign. So how are we to be strong enough to continue to do good in the face of adversity? I believe it helps to look at reality instead of fears or suggestions of fears. Also let go of what the devil holds. This is a Christian philosophy that nobody follows. No one wants to lose out on life.

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer (take courage: be confident, certain, undaunted)! For I have overcome the world. (I HAVE DEPRIVED IT OF POWER to harm you and have conquered it for you). John 16.33.

These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. John 17. 1,2

This is why we ask for our daily bread. We must be content with what heaven gives us. This is a war for our souls, and we should not live here as civilians. We need to feed on the bread of life, the words of Jesus instead of the miasma of the devil. The truths in the bible will give us confidence and keep us from emotional tyranny.

How Firm a Foundation

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word
What more can He say than to you He hath said
To you who for refuge to Jesus hath fled
The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
I will not, I will not desert to His foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeaveor to shake
I will never, no never, no never forsake.

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